We left our car with simple, specific fixes. They did nothing for over a week. Simple sensor swaps. Turned me over the same, failing car as I left them for a WEEK. Update: I will post YOUR RECEIPT. Now this company is lying to the general public??? They say they never had my vehicle. Wow, Mr. Gunther. Just, wow. This is your company, sir?
We don’t seem to have any history of a car with sensor issues left in our lot recently. But if there is some sort of misunderstanding on our end we would like to make it right. Give us a call at (770) 962-1380 and we can see how we can resolve this situation. Update: We are Gunter Automotive located in Lawrenceville Georgia. We are dedicated to customer service and want every customer to leave with a positive experience. We would love to talk about this further, If this happened at our auto shop please give us a call at (770) 962-1380 or email us the receipt to [email protected] and we can figure out what happened.
- Gunter Automotive Inc